Friday, February 27, 2009

- definiton of HAMSTRING (pndgn org) -

"The hamstring muscle is a group of large, powerful muscles that span the back of the thigh, from the lower pelvis to the back of the shin bone. The hamstring is the important muscle that functions to extend the hip joint and flex the knee joint.

The hamstring is used in many sporting activities, as well as normal daily activities. Sports that commonly cause a hamstring injury are sprinting sports that involve sudden accelerations. These include track and field, soccer, and basketball.

A hamstring injury can also occur as a result of a direct blow to the muscle, such as being kicked in the back of the thigh, or falling on the back of the thigh. Hamstring contusions are different from pulled hamstrings, although they may cause similar symptoms."

ni aku amek dr web,


aku bkn nk cter sgt sal hamstring kate org sabah 'aku mau cakap tntg froo_cast'.smlm n hr sblm smlm aku n froo_cast telah mengadakn fitness test (ataupn d gelar test pnguat stamina) kami melakukn sume ni juz tuk mguatkn stamina kami d smping mgeratkn hub etnik (haha) antre kami...hahaha.sehr sblum smlm..kami jogging dr kk2 smpai lab2.

tp ms jog 2, si drogba kecil pn ikut gk,hehe.anda msti t'tanye2 sape 'drogba kecil' 2!hehe.die comey... (^_^)

ni gmbr die.hahaha

hahaha.xleh la letak gmbr tol...kene mrh nge 'si drogba kecil' nnti.huhu

ni la track ktorg hr 2,

mule2 starting dr pntu pgr kk2, then tegak je shgga smpai ke p.guard n garisn penmtnye adelah d lab.

ape y aku ingin ketghkn skrg..adelah froo_cast m'dakwa die hamstring.haha.ini komen2 dr juri.


"ceh.lari x kate hamstring.bru 1lap"

- chip (o'shea) -


"hahaha.lwk la ko l**"

- chai (si drogba kecil) -



- ilham (black_beck) -


"huhu(aku juz mmpu t'senyum melihat gelagatnye)"

- memi (7) -

haha.lwk aku,hamstring xkan wjud dlm dri aku sbb aku x sepnts torres mahupn khyril muhaimin.huhu.

p/s : pd sape2 y trse ht,sorila.ssungghnye y baek dtg dr 'die' n y bruk sume dr aku (memi_7)

- ENd -

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